Thursday 16 February 2017

Audience feedback on draft magazine

These are screen grabs of the feedback I received on my draft magazine from other media students with experience in magazine creation as they all completed this coursework project last year, therefore responses from those who also have an interest in indie music will hold a high amount of relevance and credibility. 

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Magazine Draft

Due to problems accessing my work on my laptop, I was not able to complete the double page spread, however I decided that it would be more beneficial to add in the pieces of text showing audiences what would make up the rest of this individual text instead of rushing to complete it as it would allow me to begin collecting feedback from my audience on the lay out and overall appearance of all three pieces of work. By collecting feedback early I am allowing myself adequate time to create my product to the standard I am aiming for with time to spare for final adjustments before the final deadline.

Tuesday 7 February 2017


These are basic flatplan designs for my draft magazine, their is multiple examples for each as I have not yet decided which I will use. They are basic flatplans that offer guides to where certain key elements of the cover, contents and double page spread will be located on the page to make designing and creating the magazine fast and simple. Detailed aspects such as borders or page numbers are not added as they are not required.

Test shots - Outfit 4