Wednesday 15 February 2017

Magazine Draft

Due to problems accessing my work on my laptop, I was not able to complete the double page spread, however I decided that it would be more beneficial to add in the pieces of text showing audiences what would make up the rest of this individual text instead of rushing to complete it as it would allow me to begin collecting feedback from my audience on the lay out and overall appearance of all three pieces of work. By collecting feedback early I am allowing myself adequate time to create my product to the standard I am aiming for with time to spare for final adjustments before the final deadline.


  1. Good layout and design, like the name of your mag and text you have used for the masthead, contents page is informative and is presented well, could maybe improve by making the "issue 1 and Feb 2017" bigger and bolder so it stands out more

  2. Also could make numbers smaller on contents

  3. Layout of the magazine is good on front cover, contents and DPS. The masthead is really unique with the font and the alignment of the magazine is good also. To improve you could make the page numbers smaller, and possibly more the 'Issue 1' and 'Feb 2017' to one side. You could also use different fonts for the contents page, like different font for the headings and descriptions. Overall, the magazine is really good.

  4. I really like the design of your magazine, the simplicity if your design is something that works really well. I also really like your masthead on the front page, the font used is very unique and this will help to grab the attention of your target audience. To improve I would personally remove the colour blue because I don't think it is needed, stick to using a black and white colour palette. Also use different fonts for the contents page as the font used for some of the headings doesn't look right. Overall I think your magazine is really good and it has a lot of potential.

  5. The magazine has a clear lay out throughout. The colour scheme is clear, not to elaborate so fits the genre well. Fonts used are really nice tie in well with colour and overall presentation is good. One thing i would change is the photo on the contents so the photographers shadow isn't in the shot other than that i really like it.

  6. The three pieces work really well together as they have a continued theme. The artists name looks the same on the dps and contents but not as similar on the front cover therefore could be an improvement. The overall look supports the genre you're going for and the magazine looks effective. The colours are good, maybe a little less blue on the contents page but I like what you've done.

  7. good layout and design overall, i really like the way the three pieces link together with the clean overall look and they style of font you have chosen to use, i also like how the colours of the picture on the front page tie in with the rest of the magazine

  8. The image on the front cover is of good quality and suits the genre. I like the font used on the masthead as well and it adds a sense of interest. The clean and minimalistic styling of the 3 pages flows well and they reflect a real magazine. However I think you could make the font smaller on the contents page.
