Tuesday 28 March 2017

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

After conducting my research into my target audience for my indie/alternative music magazine, I concluded that my target audience would be between the ages of 15-25 who are both male and female, I think this is a suitable age group to target for my audience as my magazine is full of the latest news about current and upcoming artists, it will appeal to the young teenage audience as this is generally the age where people will be exploring new kinds of music anyway, and as seen from my research in UK Tribes, my audience are described as to be passionate about trying new things. I believe my magazine offers both musical and entertainment content that would allow readers to feed this desire. As well as the appeal for younger audiences, my magazine also contains content on the more popular and mainstream artists that although the younger end of the age bracket may not have developed an appreciation of, the older readers will have followed from their early teenage years. (Arctic Monkeys, The Kooks etc.) Both younger and older readers will also be able to share a common interest in content involving summer festivals, by also offering the chance for readers to win tickets to music festivals popular amongst 15-25 year olds it will further increase the appeal for males and females in this age range to buy into the magazine. A point I considered when designing my magazine was the issue of underage readers alongside readers of a legal drinking and smoking age, in order to appeal to both I included articles on concert venues where drinking is common but at no point referenced drinking or smoking, this would also be beneficial to real media products as it means no group of people are excluded at any point. As with all magazines mine will contain adverts order to generate extra income to cover costs, I will include adverts from relevant popular fashion labels amongst audiences such as Ralph Lauren and Lacoste, this will help in maintaining interest amongst readers whilst going through adverts.

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