Thursday 30 March 2017

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in your progression from it to full product?

I feel as though my understanding of conventions has vastly improved and why the use of certain conventions are important in creating an authentic looking magazine for example, the inclusion of a barcode is one of the main features that I included in my final magazine and not my preliminary work, this is an example of my progression in knowledge of magazine conventions. 

I used my preliminary task as a learning experience as the finished product was uneasy on the eye due to the colours of the text and the clothing of the model clashing, this helped to teach me of the importance of pre-planning and choosing a suitable colour palette that prevents colour clashes whilst also looking interesting and suitable for the theme of my magazine. In my preliminary photo I cut out my model and put the picture over a green background, I felt that this looked tacky when looking back on it and so for my final music magazine I chose to pick a background that I would like on my magazine, I also chose not to have the background cover the entire magazine and instead condensed the photo to a small box to make my masthead stand out more against a white background. My preliminary work was also completely self thought out and did not take inspiration from existing texts, this meant my final result didn't look authentic, however when I came to do my music magazine I drew inspiration from a number of existing magazines and emulated their styles to create a visually pleasing text. The shots used for the cover on both magazine were mid shots from a mid angle, I chose to stay with this shot type for my final product as I grew to learn from my magazine research that this was a generic style of shot used to showcase the star on the cover and allow the image to be noticeable from a far to potential buyers. My contents page for my preliminary work was very basic and contained little information, on my final magazine I had developed my skills and created a very informative and categorised contents page. The font choice also vastly improved from my preliminary work as I chose basic and common fonts that weren't attractive and would not increase audience appeal, in my final magazine I chose to pick more unique fonts as they are more interesting for audiences to view.

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