Wednesday 18 January 2017

Audience Research Questionnaire

In order to help me collect useful and valid audience research which I can use when designing my magazine in order to make it as appealing and successful as possible I decided to create a survey using the website ''. It was very useful as it was quick and easy to create a survey and allowed me to distribute it through a number of platforms to collect responses quickly and easily. I realised when creating the survey that people do not like having their time consumed by answering long and confusing questionnaires, I therefore took this into account and created a short and concise survey that got to the point and asked only questions that would give me direct and easy to use information.

Below is the list of questions and responses I received.

I will take note of all responses I have received when designing my magazine and choosing the style I wish to carry forward, however I will not use some survey responses such as those who responded to the first question of 'Are you interested in indie/alternative genre music?' with the answer 'no', this is because their opinions on the styling of my magazine will not be relevant as they will not take an interest in the final product regardless. I will use data gained from those who answered the first question with 'no, but I like rock music' however as rock is a similar genre to indie and alternative music and so whilst their answers will hold less credibility than those who answered 'yes' it is all still relevant. 

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